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Privacy Policy

This privacy statement informs how adsign ideutvikling as collects, uses, and processes personal data for visitors and customers. All personal data is handled in accordance with Norwegian and EU legal regulations (GDPR).

About adsign ideutvikling as:

Joakim Skuland, in accordance with privacy laws and GDPR, is responsible for the processing of personal data by adsign ideutvikling as.

Personal Data:

Personal data includes any information about an identified or identifiable individual. Access to personal data is limited to adsign ideutvikling as, and we do not disclose customer information to third parties.

Processing of Personal Data by adsign ideutvikling as:

When you make a purchase, we process information to deliver the ordered goods. We only store necessary information for shipping purposes.

adsign ideutvikling as is subject to archive and public disclosure laws. We are obligated to store documentation and personal data in compliance with archive laws for a longer period than necessary for the purposes of data processing. adsign ideutvikling as is also obligated to provide access to documentation and personal data in accordance with public disclosure laws.

When Does adsign ideutvikling as Collect Personal Data?

We primarily process information provided by you for reasons such as ordering products or contacting us via email.

Archive and Database:

adsign ideutvikling as records IP addresses, names, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, and other relevant information from product orders. The data in our database is solely used to facilitate product delivery.

Information Security and Data Processing:

adsign ideutvikling as uses computers for electronic document storage. Information collected is stored on a local computer with backup in the cloud, following archive legislation.

adsign ideutvikling as does not collect or store sensitive information in its operations.

Email and Phone:

Email inquiries and responses, including your email address, are stored by adsign ideutvikling as. We use email and phone as part of our daily work, and relevant information from these communications is documented.

We remind you that regular email is unencrypted. We encourage you not to send confidential information via email.

Google Analytics:

We collect unidentified visitor information on adsign.kinsta.cloud. Google Analytics provides statistics on the total number of users on our website. The information is subject to Google's privacy policies.

Your Rights:

You have the right to request access, correction, and deletion of your personal data, unless it conflicts with accounting and bookkeeping laws.

Contact us at post@adsign.no if you have any questions or need clarification.